Saturday, June 6, 2009

Children's Miracle Network & Zumbathon

Words cannot begin to describe today! It was an absolutely wonderful event. For the first ever Washington County Zumbathon, I could not be happier. The morning started off with wonderful volunteers that arrived early to help where needed. The event wouldn't have been possible without Anita Binder. She was the savior that helped this event go off without a hitch. Without her this event wouldn't have possible (especially through everything that has happened with my grandfather). People were taking money at the door, stamping hands, selling t-shirts & raffle tickets and showing off wonderful door prizes. Without them today wouldn't have been possible. Around 10:00 am I had the greatest pleasure possible and honestly it goes down as a moment that I will treasure for a lifetime. We were able to have Jessica, the Miracle Child from Washington D.C. attend our event. She has been treated at Children's Hospital and has directly benefited from fundraisers like today! She was truly a breath of fresh air as she walked through the door. She immediately greeted me with a hug. Her ever supportive Mother, Sheila, her Aunt and brother were all in attendance. The hugs I received from them made this day all seem real. Jessica was full of energy. She just received her red belt in Kong Fu and was dancing all around the event today. Having Spinal Bifida has not set her back at all. When I took her mother and her onto the stage, I was so blessed to introduce them to everyone. Delegate Chris Shank and Senator Don Munson were also in attendance for this fabulous day and I thank them for their continued support. I presented both her mother and Jessica with Zumbathon t-shirts and flowers! Then I had the greatest pleasure of all. I presented Jessica with an old crown of mine. I crowned her using the crown that I had when I was Miss Teen Washington County 2005. I truly don't think that even touches on what her visit meant to myself and everyone at the event. We were very lucky to have Shelia talk about Jessica's illness and her connection with Children's Miracle Network. Jessica even said a few words. I can tell you one thing that 10 year old's energy put everyone's to shame at the event.

As I placed the crown on Jessica's head today, I thought to myself: this is what it is all about. It isn't about how many shirts we sold, how many vendors came or even if we were to raise thousands of dollars...It was all about Jessica and thousands of children like her all over the country. I know today the money we raised will be used at over 170 Children's Miracle Network hospitals in the United States. I am so pleased to have met such a deserving young girl and her fabulous family. She is truly an inspiration to all! I hope to keep in touch with her as she grows and matures--that little girl is going places!

We do not have a final count from today but regardless I know that I put a smile on one little girl's face and to me that means much more. I know it was a successful event and I will be happy with however much money is sent to Children's Miracle Network.

With preparations for Miss MD now in full swing I know what I will keep close to my heart that entire week. I will remember Jessica and her loving family. I will remember having the honor to meet her. I will remember passing along a special piece of me to her. I will remember the smile on that little girl's face as she received the crown and danced her little heart away during the Zumbathon. Whether I am lucky enough to win Miss Maryland or not, today has meant the world to me and I am so lucky to be Miss Washington County 2009!


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